4 ONE 9

andrew's place: the grocery, with his mistress.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

i'm missing huntington in a way. i long for my bed and my rice sock. BOO to no rice sock. anyways, those are my brothers... and it's no fun to be sick on Christmas. no fun at all.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Holidays from the blond in 419. Miss you, lydia. boy do i wish cats could check blogs. too bad.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Greetings from the cold Wisconsin!! i am here - and well. One thing i must say: mom got a Christmas floral design gift from someone... and it smelled like cat pee. it was hilarious. also, i've discovered that i miss my house.. and my bed and my lydia. something great happened to our house on monday, though. i woke up and it was 45 degrees. i thought i was just being a baby when i pulled back the covers and it felt like one thousand winters traveled from Cold-land into my bedroom and through my clothes. i didn't get out of bed for another ten minutes or so. but, yeah... like 45 degrees... i think it eventually got up to 51 until our landLord, Randy, came over. he saved the day!
i hope everyone feels bad for anna... she was all alone for the better part of the week. i know i do. BOO for being all alone.. however, HOORAY for finding a sexy picture of Amelie being not amelie but herself in a sexy red get up with cute little lips. i tell ya'.. if i was of another orientation -- she'd be number 1 -- following closely, Tea Leoni. But Tea's husband... he's another freaking story... *UGH.. so HOT.
el fin

Friday, December 16, 2005

okay, this might be a long post.. but this afternoon, i am putting off tasks that involve cleaning, packing and cleaning... so, what the hay? i'll start with the history. we live at 419 e.tipton in a house apartment.. we live downstairs, tenants live upstairs.. except, we used to live upstairs during the summer. it was nice. not as nice as down here, though.. i mean, let's just be honest. this house used to be a grocery - and one late night last summer, we decided to call it andrew's place, after our antique-shop-household-pious-spiritfilled-semi-god, andrew. andrew is a bust of a very attractive middle eastern man, complete with turban and mustache. for my birthday, heather bought me his mistress. ((shes not important enough to have a name.. or at least, currently. she might become the fertility-semi-goddess, but that will be later when we start having babies.)) okay... we moved in the last week of august, meaning we have celebrated halloween and thanksgiving in the home. we have pictures.
we had a quasi christmas party..b ut hey, that wasn't too great. anyways.. i suppose this wasn't as long as i anticipated. but there's a touch of history.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

i have three great announcements: starting with number 1.
heather ((also known as heater)) will be (hopefully) joining 4 one 9.. she lives here- but i feel like it might be a tad bit difficult to get her to be an 'offical' blogger.
numero dos:
we are starting a skate team. and i'm serious about that.
anna got her computer back (and she didn't fall once today).

and, no jim, nothing about X. even though heather loves raps about ecstacy.

peace out.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

the picture below is one of me ((the blonde girl)), anna ((the brunette)) and our boyfriends, who at this time might not be worth mentioning since i am really tired and anna is on Nyquil (c). we just wanted to say welcome. we have been talking about this for a helluva long time. plus, already we have a brother blog... sorta' like brother but different.

419 e. tipton says hello to http://catfishhaven.blogspot.com

stay tuned.