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andrew's place: the grocery, with his mistress.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Greetings from the cold Wisconsin!! i am here - and well. One thing i must say: mom got a Christmas floral design gift from someone... and it smelled like cat pee. it was hilarious. also, i've discovered that i miss my house.. and my bed and my lydia. something great happened to our house on monday, though. i woke up and it was 45 degrees. i thought i was just being a baby when i pulled back the covers and it felt like one thousand winters traveled from Cold-land into my bedroom and through my clothes. i didn't get out of bed for another ten minutes or so. but, yeah... like 45 degrees... i think it eventually got up to 51 until our landLord, Randy, came over. he saved the day!
i hope everyone feels bad for anna... she was all alone for the better part of the week. i know i do. BOO for being all alone.. however, HOORAY for finding a sexy picture of Amelie being not amelie but herself in a sexy red get up with cute little lips. i tell ya'.. if i was of another orientation -- she'd be number 1 -- following closely, Tea Leoni. But Tea's husband... he's another freaking story... *UGH.. so HOT.
el fin


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